Who We Serve
Secondary Schools

ETEC has extensive experience promoting U.S. secondary schools throughout Asia and the Middle East. Serving as the in-country marketing partner for the TABS Boarding School Fairs in China and Vietnam( 2013-2018) and coordinating recruitment for more than 250 schools in Asia and the Middle East, we have keen knowledge of how to target qualified(academically and financially) students and build long lasting in-country partnerships
Community Colleges and Universities

ETEC provides an array of assistance for Community Colleges and Universities seeking to expand their international recruitment or develop new international delivery models.
Federal Government

The Education and Training Export Consortium was launched through a Federal grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Commerce in 2003. The concept of promoting higher education and training services as an export was selected for funding under the highly competitive Market Development Cooperator Program administrated by International Trade Administration.
( www.trade.gov/mdcp). In 2008, California ETEC, a 501 c-3 corporation, authored the winning California Community College for Egypt application. California ETEC also served as the primary manager of the CCI Egypt project under a cooperative agreement awarded by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs( 2009-2011).https://exchanges.state.gov/non-us/program/community-college-initiative-program
Foreign Governments

California ETEC has established many productive working alliances and partnerships with foreign governments, universities and NGO’s. In collaboration with Fulbright Korea, ETEC jointly hosted the first Destination California marketing events in Korea; working closely with the Thailand Office of Civil Service, OCSC, ETEC has coordinated the recruitment and participation of more than 50 universities, including participation at the OCSC Scholar Placement Event; CA ETEC was appointed as the event manager by the Vietnam Consulate General(SF) to manage the highly successful Meet Vietnam Education Forum, and most recently, California ETEC played a key role in conceptualizing and launching the Royal Commission for Ai-Ula Scholarship Program in Saudi Arabia.
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